1. Trauma record: please remember that when patients move from trauma bay to OR a completely new anaesthetic record should be started, since the encounter number changes between TB and OR.
There will be times where the pt is too unstable; if this happens, of course patient care comes first, so do whatever you need to do and let Stephanie Ward know afterwards so she can fix it.
2. Transfer to SDS button: this is ONLY for when PACU is bypassed. If going to PACU please don’t click, as this causes downstream workflow issues.
3. End of case: please let iPro do its thing when finalizing and let it generate the pdf’s. There is a concern that if we log out or quit the program before it finishes generating the pdf, the record may not be sent to Sunnycare, which is obviously problematic.
As always, any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to talk to Jordan or Stephanie.
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