Suggestions That Could Improve User's Experience
Bypassing PACU
In the event that a patient is bypassing PACU to phase 2 recovery, under "Emergence" tab, click o...
Taking Over A Case
When taking over a case, first add yourself as a provider (under "Providers" tab) while the perso...
Chart multiple drugs at the same time
Useful for induction, emergence, ECTs ect. Enter dosages for various drugs and time of...
Finalize Before Transfer to PACU
Finalize iPro charting before bringing patient to PACU can facilitate timely initiation of PACU c...
Charting slow drip with mini bags
Charting workflow when drugs are administered via slow 'blous' e.g. Protamine, MgSO4, Vancomycin ...
Rearrange Drugs
Order of drugs can be rearranged for better grouping e.g. analgesics, sedatives etc. Click o...
Document Blood Product With Camera
Blood products / fluids can be photographed to document unit or lot numbers Click on the cam...
Drugs / fluids summary
A summary table showing all drugs / fluids with times of administration and cumulative dose / vol...
Anesthesia Handoff
A PDF report of drugs doses & fluid balances; can be printed to facilitate handover especially in...
Quick Time Entry
A quicker (and less frustrating ) way to enter times in iPro instead of using the scrollwheel On...
How To Bold Text In iPro
Click on the pencil icon next to a checked item to highlight it. The entry will then be highlight...
Miscellaneous Tips
Sent on behalf of Dr. J Tarshis - August 23, 2024 Hi Everyone, A few reminders to keep iPro w...