To facilitate your learning experience for your rotation at Holland, you can use the NYSORA Learning System to supplement your other 'standard' text books readings.
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It's a very comprehensive resource, feel free to browse the content. But for your rotation, I am hoping you can complete the following 'prescribed' topics.
You can find these topics under "Courses" > "Regional Anesthesia Manual e-Course":
2. Functional Regional Anesthesia Anatomy
2.1 Anatomy of Peripheral Nerve
2.5 Dermatomes, myotomes and osteotomes
2.9 Brachial Plexus
2.10 Lumbar Plexus
2.13 Shoulder Joint
2.15 Hip Joint
2.16 Knee Joint
3. Local Anesthetics - Clinical Pharmacology & Selection
3.4 Pharmacological Properties of Local Anesthetics
3.8 Types of Local Anesthetics
3.15 Lidocaine
3.16 Mepivacaine
3.18 Bupivacaine
3.20 Ropivacaine
3.21 Additives to Local Anesthetics
5. Equipments of Peripheral Nerve Blocks
5.2 Cardiovascular and Respiratory Monitoring
5.8 Ultrasound Machines
5.9 Sterility
5.12 Continuous Nerve Catheters
5.15 Nerve Stimulators
7. Optimizing an Ultrasound Image (the entire chapter)
9. Regional Anesthesia & Nerve Injury (the entire chapter)
11. Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity and Allergy to Local Anesthetics
11.1 Mechanism of LAST
11.2 Special Populations and the Risk of LAST
11.9 Symptoms and Diagnosis
11.10 Prevention
11.11 Limiting Intravascular Injection and Systemic Uptake
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