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Educational Videos

Dr. Fragneto - Ob Anesthesia Review 1/3

Dr. Fragneto - Ob Anesthesia Review 2/3

Dr. Fragneto - Ob Anesthesia Review 3/3

Dr. Fragneto - Parturients with High Risk Non Obstetric Diseases

Dr. Fragneto - Obstetric Hemorrhage

Dr. Markley - Anesthetic Management of Invasive Placental Disease

Dr. Carvalho - Preeclampsia

Dr. Abir - Anesthesia for Non-Obstetric Surgery During Pregnancy

Dr. Nanji - Trouble Shooting Labor Epdurals and Failed Top-ups

Dr. Rollins -The Diagnosis and Management of Peripartum Neurologic Complications

Dr. Brian Bateman - Applying Early Warning Criteria to Obstetric Monitoring

Dr. Massouh - How to manage a disconnected epidural connector?

Dr. Kugler - Amniotic Fluid Embolism: Possible Novel Therapies


Dr. Busuttil - Placenta Accreta Spectrum (PAS) Disorders: Anesthetic Management & Current Evidence