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How To Co-Sign Fellows's OR Charts?

After October 6th, 2022 Main module update, cases can be finalized without staff's signatures
All residents and fellows should add the staff name to the providers tab for all cases

The staff do need to sign all these charts. The charts that need signing will appear in the staff’s Incomplete Cases bucket (by clicking on “My Cases” ). SimplyHowever, unlocksince thosethese casescharts tohave signbeen andfinalized, thenthey finalizewill them.


Note that Incomplete Cases are cumulatively displayedappear in the bucket"Incomplete i.e. ALL incomplete cases from the dawn of iPro time are shown in theCases" bucket.

StaffOne shouldwill alsohave to manually search those charts on iPro, unlock cases,them to add your name & time (if not already done) and signsign. onRemember iProto finalize the charts once done.
This is best done when reviewing fellows' billing cards. These cases likely would not show up in your Incomplete Cases bucket if they have already been finalized.