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2024 Dec 9-13 Emergency Fan-Out Drill

NOTICE: Emergency Fan-Out Drill will be conducted the week of December 9-13, 2024!
This email is to advise you that Sunnybrook’s Emergency Preparedness Team will be conducting an organization-wide emergency fan-out drill between December 9-13, 2024. Please post the attached poster (see below) in your area to ensure staff are aware of the drill. This drill will take place during business hours.
1. What is the purpose?
An emergency fan-out list is a department-specific list containing the names and contact information of active staff who can be contacted to respond to an emergency or major disruption. The drill will evaluate how many staff could potentially respond to the site in the event of an emergency, and their approximate arrival times. The results of the drill are collated to evaluate our corporate fan-out capability.
2. Who does the drill involve?
All Sunnybrook staff across all campuses, departments, and units should participate in the upcoming drill. Anyone may be contacted to help assist during an emergency.
3. When will the drill occur?
The drill will occur during regular business hours the week of December 9-13, 2024. Note that the specific date and time of the drill will not be shared in advance in order to evaluate an authentic response.
4. How will I be notified of the drill?
  • An overhead announcement at Bayview, St. John’s Rehab, and Holland Centre will alert teams to begin their fan-out drill.
  • At the same time, an email will be shared with leaders via to alert teams that the drill has begun.
  • Leaders at the Reactivation Care Centre, CNIB, and any other sites, will only be alerted to the drill by email.
  • Email and overhead announcements are the two existing mechanisms for mass notification of fan-out at Sunnybrook’s campuses.
5. What does the drill entail?
  • Once the drill begins, teams will have 30 minutes to complete their department-specific emergency fan-out process.
  • Please ensure all contacted staff are aware this is a TEST ONLY and are not expected to arrive to the organization.
  • Staff on vacation or sick leave are not to be contacted during the drill unless otherwise advised by your leader.
6. What happens after the drill?
  • After 30 minutes, teams will be notified via overhead announcement and/or an email to leaders that the drill is complete. Please do not continue fanning out past the end of the drill.
  • All teams are asked to submit the results of their drill electronically. Teams will be provided a link to submit their fan-out drill results. A hard-copy can be provided if necessary.
7. How can I prepare for the drill?
  • Review and update your departmental emergency fan-out list.
  • Ensure staff know the location of your departmental emergency fan-out list.
  • Share this email and poster with your frontline teams to ensure staff are aware of the drill.
  • Keep an eye out for reminders shared on Sunnynet and Snapshot.
8. Where should I store my emergency fan-out list?
The emergency fan-out list contains personal contact information of staff members for use in an emergency. Read below for tips from Sunnybrook’s Privacy team on safely storing fan-out lists.
  • On-site at Sunnybrook or remotely accessible via VPN: Information should be stored on an SB file share or other system/service that restricts access to authorized SB personnel only.
  • Smartphones: Information can be stored directly on Sunnybrook-assigned smartphones, as these are corporately encrypted devices. If using a personal device, this device must be corporately encrypted per hospital policy.
  • At home: If in printed format, the information should be physically protected (ex., locked drawer or office, etc.).
9. Where can I learn more?
  • For more details related to the emergency fan-out drill (including previous drill results), please refer to the Emergency Fan-Out resource page. A poster and frequently asked questions are also attached.
  • Any questions about the drill or reporting of results may be directed to Catherine Hopkins, Emergency Preparedness Specialist.
IMPORTANT: In the event of a real emergency response during the drill, the drill will be stopped immediately and all leaders will be notified.
Thank you for helping us to advance emergency readiness at Sunnybrook!



