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Staff Contacts

Department of Anesthesia Contact List
Staff Contacts
Name Local Number Pager Long Range Number Home Telephone Mobile/Other
ALAM, FAHAD 64798 7034 416-480-5744 - Cell: 647-835-8999
ANGLE, PAMELA 685056/54 6742 416-480-5744 905-773-8461 Cell: 647 678 5292
AVILA, ARSENIO 64864 7735 Cell: 416-728-2947 416-782-1103 Cell: 416-728-2947
AWAD, IMAD 64864 8138 416-545-4056 416-486-6560 Cell: 416-508-5611
BUSUTTIL, ALIA 64864 7760 Cell: 613-985-2359 - Cell: 613-985-2359
CHAN, HERMAN 64864 8293 Cell: 416-577-9577 905-737-6609 Cell: 416-577-9577
CHOCHINOV, MICHELLE 61713 8412 Cell: 647-293-2807 416-783-9050 Cell: 647-293-2807
CHOI, MABEL 64965 5333 416-237-6577 416-733-2008 Cell: 416-704-5000
Fellows/CA Contacts
Name Local Number Pager Long Range Number Home Telephone Mobile/Other
ALTUWAIJRI, MOHAMMED 64864 1995 416-480-5744 - Cell: 437-707-7089
ANDREOLETTI, HULDA 64864 3109 416-480-5744 - Cell: 647-222-6278
BEGGS, THOMAS 64864 7422 416-480-5744 - Cell: 431-337-1329
BIN SUHAYM, NAWAF 64864 3108 416-480-5744 - Cell: 647-530-9055
BLACKBURN, NATALIA 64864 1811 416-480-5744 - Cell: 416-949-8503
CHOW, VINCA 64864 3107 416-480-5744