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M5 AA Staffing

On behalf of Dr. D MacLean - 2025 Jan 24th
AA daily assignment; shift hours currently are 0730-1500
Scope of work:
  1. Labour epidural assessments and top-ups are to be done by anesthesiologists, not AAs, given possible rapid changes in clinical status during these times
  2. For cesarean sections, anesthesiologists should be present from time of spinal until after delivery and until their assessment that it is safe to delegate care to the AA (ie. no PPH, good uterine tone, no ongoing need for uterotonics beyond oxytocin/carbetocin, hemodynamically stable patient, no significant N/V, etc.)
  3. AAs should not be left alone with a C-section patient under general anesthesia except in extenuating circumstances where another emergency arises and the patient is stable
  4. Regarding equipment – please advise AAs to work with M5 staff to remedy equipment issues rather than bringing equipment between M2/M5 floors. If borrowing equipment from M2, it is essential to tell M5 staff to ensure proper invoicing and reimbursement as these are different cost centers. During the daytime the main point of contact for equipment issues should be the TL or Gillian Ballantyne (OR nurse educator – office is outside OR doors on side by OR-C)