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Hazardous Drug Policy - PPE required for PPH medications
On behalf of Julia Needham - March 4, 2025
There have been several questions regarding the required PPE when administering and preparing Level 3 hazardous drugs, as outlined in the new corporate hazardous drug policy. These drugs are considered hazardous due to their potential risks to individuals in the reproductive years, including those who are pregnant or may become pregnant.
For reference:
Reproductive hazard: Substances that can damage a person's ability to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term.
Developmental hazard: Substances that can disrupt the development of unborn children, potentially causing teratogenic outcomes.
Please be aware that several of our PPH medications are included in this category, such as carbetocin, carboprost (Hemabate®), ergonovine maleate/methylergonvine, mifepristone, and misoprostol (Cytotec®). When administering all of these medications, gloves are required. If there is a risk of the medication splashing, you must also wear a gown, gloves, mask and face shield
For preparation of any IM, SC, IV, or intradermal injections, the following PPE is required:
N95 mask
Face shield
This is all in place to ensure your safety and to protect your working environment.
Moving forward, we are making the following updates:
On HRO and MNU, N95 masks, gowns, gloves, and face shields will be available in the PPH kit (the pink hard-top container with supplies) or in a bag located beside the box.
On BU, Gillian is working on adding N95 masks to the supply carts in the labour rooms. Gloves and gowns and shields are already available in all BU rooms. If you notice that these are not in the rooms, please let us know.
If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to reach out to Gillian or myself.
Physicians and Midwives, kindly inform your residents and teams of these updates as well.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
All the best,
Julia Needham, RN, BScN, MSc
Advanced Practice Nurse
High Risk Obstetrics and High Risk Birthing Unit
DAN Women and Babies Program
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
416-480-6100 ext. 687766
M5 483